How Not to Lead

September 27, 2006

Put the maximization of profit above all ideals
call it the American dream.

Invite lobbyists to secretly make policy
declare it executive privilege.

Listen only to people who agree with you
pretend you do otherwise.

Paint all who dissent with a broad pink brush
label them traitors

Intimidate rather than dialogue
blame it on evil.

squander a surplus
build a deficit

outsource torture
ignore law

fatten the rich
squeeze the poor

call yourself a Christian.

Hello? Mr.President?

September 26, 2006

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are make believe sir … I’m very sorry… good night.

poo poo head diplomacy

September 22, 2006

you call people “evil”,
then someone calls you “the devil”!
go figure…